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Routes and Menus


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In the project, the framework provides a basic routing system and automatically generates the corresponding menu structure based on the routing files.

Types of Routes

Routes are divided into core routes, static routes, and dynamic routes. Core routes are built-in routes of the framework, including root routes, login routes, 404 routes, etc.; static routes are routes that are determined when the project starts; dynamic routes are generally generated dynamically based on the user's permissions after the user logs in.

Both static and dynamic routes go through permission control, which can be controlled by configuring the authority field in the meta property of the route.

Core Routes

Core routes are built-in routes of the framework, including root routes, login routes, 404 routes, etc. The configuration of core routes is in the src/router/routes/core directory under the application.


Core routes are mainly used for the basic functions of the framework, so it is not recommended to put business-related routes in core routes. It is recommended to put business-related routes in static or dynamic routes.

Static Routes

The configuration of static routes is in the src/router/routes/index directory under the application. Open the commented file content:


Permission control is controlled by the authority field in the meta property of the route. If your page project does not require permission control, you can omit the authority field.

// Uncomment if needed and create the folder
// const externalRouteFiles = import.meta.glob('./external/**/*.ts', { eager: true }); //
const staticRouteFiles = import.meta.glob('./static/**/*.ts', { eager: true }); 
/** Dynamic routes */
const dynamicRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = mergeRouteModules(dynamicRouteFiles);

/** External route list, these pages can be accessed without Layout, possibly used for embedding in other systems */
// const externalRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = mergeRouteModules(externalRouteFiles) //
const externalRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = []; 
const externalRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = mergeRouteModules(externalRouteFiles); 

Dynamic Routes

The configuration of dynamic routes is in the src/router/routes/modules directory under the corresponding application. This directory contains all the route files. The content format of each file is consistent with the Vue Router route configuration format. Below is the configuration of secondary and multi-level routes.

Route Definition

The configuration method of static routes and dynamic routes is the same. Below is the configuration of secondary and multi-level routes:

Secondary Routes

Secondary Route Example Code
import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router';

import { VBEN_LOGO_URL } from '@vben/constants';

import { BasicLayout } from '#/layouts';
import { $t } from '#/locales';

const routes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
    meta: {
      badgeType: 'dot',
      badgeVariants: 'destructive',
      icon: VBEN_LOGO_URL,
      order: 9999,
      title: $t('page.vben.title'),
    name: 'VbenProject',
    path: '/vben-admin',
    redirect: '/vben-admin/about',
    children: [
        name: 'VbenAbout',
        path: '/vben-admin/about',
        component: () => import('#/views/_core/about/index.vue'),
        meta: {
          badgeType: 'dot',
          badgeVariants: 'destructive',
          icon: 'lucide:copyright',
          title: $t('page.vben.about'),

export default routes;

Multi-level Routes


  • The parent route of multi-level routes does not need to set the component property, just set the children property. Unless you really need to display content nested under the parent route.
  • In most cases, the redirect property of the parent route does not need to be specified, it will default to the first child route.
Multi-level Route Example Code
import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router';

import { BasicLayout } from '#/layouts';
import { $t } from '#/locales';

const routes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
    meta: {
      icon: 'ic:baseline-view-in-ar',
      keepAlive: true,
      order: 1000,
      title: $t('demos.title'),
    name: 'Demos',
    path: '/demos',
    redirect: '/demos/access',
    children: [
      // Nested menu
        meta: {
          icon: 'ic:round-menu',
          title: $t('demos.nested.title'),
        name: 'NestedDemos',
        path: '/demos/nested',
        redirect: '/demos/nested/menu1',
        children: [
            name: 'Menu1Demo',
            path: '/demos/nested/menu1',
            component: () => import('#/views/demos/nested/menu-1.vue'),
            meta: {
              icon: 'ic:round-menu',
              keepAlive: true,
              title: $t('demos.nested.menu1'),
            name: 'Menu2Demo',
            path: '/demos/nested/menu2',
            meta: {
              icon: 'ic:round-menu',
              keepAlive: true,
              title: $t('demos.nested.menu2'),
            redirect: '/demos/nested/menu2/menu2-1',
            children: [
                name: 'Menu21Demo',
                path: '/demos/nested/menu2/menu2-1',
                component: () => import('#/views/demos/nested/menu-2-1.vue'),
                meta: {
                  icon: 'ic:round-menu',
                  keepAlive: true,
                  title: $t('demos.nested.menu2_1'),
            name: 'Menu3Demo',
            path: '/demos/nested/menu3',
            meta: {
              icon: 'ic:round-menu',
              title: $t('demos.nested.menu3'),
            redirect: '/demos/nested/menu3/menu3-1',
            children: [
                name: 'Menu31Demo',
                path: 'menu3-1',
                component: () => import('#/views/demos/nested/menu-3-1.vue'),
                meta: {
                  icon: 'ic:round-menu',
                  keepAlive: true,
                  title: $t('demos.nested.menu3_1'),
                name: 'Menu32Demo',
                path: 'menu3-2',
                meta: {
                  icon: 'ic:round-menu',
                  title: $t('demos.nested.menu3_2'),
                redirect: '/demos/nested/menu3/menu3-2/menu3-2-1',
                children: [
                    name: 'Menu321Demo',
                    path: '/demos/nested/menu3/menu3-2/menu3-2-1',
                    component: () =>
                    meta: {
                      icon: 'ic:round-menu',
                      keepAlive: true,
                      title: $t('demos.nested.menu3_2_1'),

export default routes;

Adding a New Page

To add a new page, you only need to add a route and the corresponding page component.

Adding a Route

Add a route object in the corresponding route file, as follows:

import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router';

import { VBEN_LOGO_URL } from '@vben/constants';

import { BasicLayout } from '#/layouts';
import { $t } from '#/locales';

const routes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
    meta: {
      icon: 'mdi:home',
      title: $t('page.home.title'),
    name: 'Home',
    path: '/home',
    redirect: '/home/index',
    children: [
        name: 'HomeIndex',
        path: '/home/index',
        component: () => import('#/views/home/index.vue'),
        meta: {
          icon: 'mdi:home',
          title: $t('page.home.index'),

export default routes;

Adding a Page Component

In #/views/home/, add a new index.vue file, as follows:

    <h1>home page</h1>


At this point, the page has been added. Visit http://localhost:5555/home/index to see the corresponding page.

Route Configuration

The route configuration items are mainly in the meta property of the route object. The following are common configuration items:

const routes = [
    name: 'HomeIndex',
    path: '/home/index',
    meta: {
      icon: 'mdi:home',
      title: $t('page.home.index'),
Route Meta Configuration Type Definition
interface RouteMeta {
   * Active icon (menu)
  activeIcon?: string;
   * The currently active menu, sometimes you don't want to activate the existing menu, use this to activate the parent menu
  activePath?: string;
   * Whether to fix the tab
   * @default false
  affixTab?: boolean;
   * The order of fixed tabs
   * @default 0
  affixTabOrder?: number;
   * Specific roles required to access
   * @default []
  authority?: string[];
   * Badge
  badge?: string;
   * Badge type
  badgeType?: 'dot' | 'normal';
   * Badge color
    | 'default'
    | 'destructive'
    | 'primary'
    | 'success'
    | 'warning'
    | string;
   * The children of the current route are not displayed in the menu
   * @default false
  hideChildrenInMenu?: boolean;
   * The current route is not displayed in the breadcrumb
   * @default false
  hideInBreadcrumb?: boolean;
   * The current route is not displayed in the menu
   * @default false
  hideInMenu?: boolean;
   * The current route is not displayed in the tab
   * @default false
  hideInTab?: boolean;
   * Icon (menu/tab)
  icon?: string;
   * iframe address
  iframeSrc?: string;
   * Ignore permissions, can be accessed directly
   * @default false
  ignoreAccess?: boolean;
   * Enable KeepAlive cache
  keepAlive?: boolean;
   * External link - jump path
  link?: string;
   * Whether the route has been loaded
  loaded?: boolean;
   * Maximum number of open tabs
   * @default false
  maxNumOfOpenTab?: number;
   * The menu can be seen, but access will be redirected to 403
  menuVisibleWithForbidden?: boolean;
   * Open in a new window
  openInNewWindow?: boolean;
   * Used for route -> menu sorting
  order?: number;
   * Parameters carried by the menu
  query?: Recordable;
   * Title name
  title: string;


  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Used to configure the title of the page, which will be displayed in the menu and tab. Generally used with internationalization.


  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Used to configure the icon of the page, which will be displayed in the menu and tab. Generally used with an icon library, if it is an http link, the image will be loaded automatically.


  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Used to configure the active icon of the page, which will be displayed in the menu. Generally used with an icon library, if it is an http link, the image will be loaded automatically.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Used to configure whether the page cache is enabled. When enabled, the page will be cached and will not reload, only effective when the tab is enabled.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Used to configure whether the page is hidden in the menu. When hidden, the page will not be displayed in the menu.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Used to configure whether the page is hidden in the tab. When hidden, the page will not be displayed in the tab.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Used to configure whether the page is hidden in the breadcrumb. When hidden, the page will not be displayed in the breadcrumb.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Used to configure whether the subpages of the page are hidden in the menu. When hidden, the subpages will not be displayed in the menu.


  • Type: string[]
  • Default: []

Used to configure the permissions of the page. Only users with the corresponding permissions can access the page. If not configured, no permissions are required.


  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Used to configure the badge of the page, which will be displayed in the menu.


  • Type: 'dot' | 'normal'
  • Default: 'normal'

Used to configure the badge type of the page. dot is a small red dot, normal is text.


  • Type: 'default' | 'destructive' | 'primary' | 'success' | 'warning' | string
  • Default: 'success'

Used to configure the badge color of the page.


  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Used to configure the currently active menu. Sometimes the page is not displayed in the menu, and this is used to activate the parent menu.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Used to configure whether the page is fixed in the tab. When fixed, the page cannot be closed.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 0

Used to configure the order of fixed tabs, sorted in ascending order.


  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Used to configure the iframe address of the embedded page. When set, the corresponding page will be embedded in the current page.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Used to configure whether the page ignores permissions and can be accessed directly.

  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Used to configure the external link jump path, which will open in a new window.


  • Type: number
  • Default: -1

Used to configure the maximum number of open tabs. When set, the earliest opened tab will be automatically closed when opening a new tab (only effective when opening tabs with the same name).

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Used to configure whether the page can be seen in the menu, but access will be redirected to 403.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

When set to true, the page will open in a new window.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 0

Used to configure the sorting of the page, used for route to menu sorting.

Note: Sorting is only effective for first-level menus. The sorting of second-level menus needs to be set in the corresponding first-level menu in code order.


  • Type: Recordable
  • Default: {}

Used to configure the menu parameters of the page, which will be passed to the page in the menu.

Route Refresh

The route refresh method is as follows:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useRefresh } from '@vben/hooks';

const { refresh } = useRefresh();

// Refresh the current route


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The avatar of contributor named as Netfan Netfan
The avatar of contributor named as Arthur Darkstone Arthur Darkstone
The avatar of contributor named as invalid w invalid w
The avatar of contributor named as Li Kui Li Kui
The avatar of contributor named as handsomeFu handsomeFu
The avatar of contributor named as vince vince


Released under the MIT License.