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Environment Variable Configuration

The project's environment variable configuration is located in the application directory under .env, .env.development, .env.production.

The rules are consistent with Vite Env Variables and Modes. The format is as follows:

.env                # Loaded in all environments
.env.local          # Loaded in all environments, but ignored by git
.env.[mode]         # Only loaded in the specified mode
.env.[mode].local   # Only loaded in the specified mode, but ignored by git


  • Only variables starting with VITE_ will be embedded into the client-side package. You can access them in the project code like this:

  • Variables starting with VITE_GLOB_* will be added to the _app.config.js configuration file during packaging. :::

Environment Configuration Description

# Application title

# Application namespace, used as a prefix for caching, store, etc., to ensure isolation
# Port Number

# Public Path for Resources, must start and end with /


# Whether to enable Nitro Mock service, true to enable, false to disable

# Whether to open devtools, true to open, false to close

# Whether to inject global loading

# Whether to generate after packaging

Dynamic Configuration in Production Environment

When executing pnpm build in the root directory of the monorepo, a dist/_app.config.js file will be automatically generated in the corresponding application and inserted into index.html.

_app.config.js is a dynamic configuration file that allows for modifications to the configuration dynamically based on different environments after the project has been built. The content is as follows:

Object.defineProperty(window, '_VBEN_ADMIN_PRO_APP_CONF_', {
  configurable: false,
  writable: false,


_app.config.js is used for projects that need to dynamically modify configurations after packaging, such as API endpoints. There's no need to repackage; you can simply modify the variables in /dist/_app.config.js after packaging, and refresh to update the variables in the code. A js file is used to ensure that the configuration file is loaded early in the order.


To access the variables inside _app.config.js, you need to use the useAppConfig method provided by @vben/hooks.

const { apiURL } = useAppConfig(import.meta.env, import.meta.env.PROD);

Adding New

To add a new dynamically modifiable configuration item, simply follow the steps below:

  • First, add the variable that needs to be dynamically configurable in the .env file or the corresponding development environment configuration file. The variable must start with VITE_GLOB_*, for example:

  • In packages/types/global.d.ts, add the corresponding type definition, such as:

    export interface VbenAdminProAppConfigRaw {
      VITE_GLOB_API_URL: string;
      VITE_GLOB_OTHER_API_URL: string; 
    export interface ApplicationConfig {
      apiURL: string;
      otherApiURL: string; 

At this point, you can use the useAppConfig method within the project to access the newly added configuration item.

const { otherApiURL } = useAppConfig(import.meta.env, import.meta.env.PROD);


The useAppConfig method should only be used within the application and not be coupled with the internals of a package. The reason for passing import.meta.env and import.meta.env.PROD is to avoid such coupling. A pure package should avoid using variables specific to a particular build tool.


The project offers a wide range of preference settings for dynamically configuring various features of the project:

If you cannot find documentation for a setting, you can try configuring it yourself and then click Copy Preferences to override the project defaults. The configuration file is located in the application directory under preferences.ts, where you can override the framework's default configurations to achieve custom settings.

import { useAppConfig } from '@vben/hooks';
import { defineOverridesPreferences } from '@vben/preferences';

 * @description Project configuration file
 * Only a part of the configuration in the project needs to be covered, and unnecessary configurations do not need to be covered. The default configuration will be automatically used
export const overridesPreferences = defineOverridesPreferences({
  // overrides

Framework default configuration

View the default configuration of the framework
const defaultPreferences: Preferences = {
  app: {
    accessMode: 'frontend',
    authPageLayout: 'panel-right',
    checkUpdatesInterval: 1,
    colorGrayMode: false,
    colorWeakMode: false,
    compact: false,
    contentCompact: 'wide',
    dynamicTitle: true,
    enableCheckUpdates: true,
    enablePreferences: true,
    enableRefreshToken: false,
    isMobile: false,
    layout: 'sidebar-nav',
    locale: 'zh-CN',
    loginExpiredMode: 'modal',
    name: 'Vben Admin',
    preferencesButtonPosition: 'auto',
    watermark: false,
  breadcrumb: {
    enable: true,
    hideOnlyOne: false,
    showHome: false,
    showIcon: true,
    styleType: 'normal',
  copyright: {
    companyName: 'Vben',
    companySiteLink: '',
    date: '2024',
    enable: true,
    icp: '',
    icpLink: '',
  footer: {
    enable: true,
    fixed: false,
  header: {
    enable: true,
    hidden: false,
    mode: 'fixed',
  logo: {
    enable: true,
    source: '',
  navigation: {
    accordion: true,
    split: true,
    styleType: 'rounded',
  shortcutKeys: {
    enable: true,
    globalLockScreen: true,
    globalLogout: true,
    globalPreferences: true,
    globalSearch: true,
  sidebar: {
    collapsed: false,
    collapsedShowTitle: false,
    enable: true,
    expandOnHover: true,
    extraCollapse: true,
    hidden: false,
    width: 230,
  tabbar: {
    dragable: true,
    enable: true,
    height: 36,
    keepAlive: true,
    persist: true,
    showIcon: true,
    showMaximize: true,
    showMore: true,
    showRefresh: true,
    styleType: 'chrome',
  theme: {
    builtinType: 'default',
    colorDestructive: 'hsl(348 100% 61%)',
    colorPrimary: 'hsl(212 100% 45%)',
    colorSuccess: 'hsl(144 57% 58%)',
    colorWarning: 'hsl(42 84% 61%)',
    mode: 'dark',
    radius: '0.5',
    semiDarkHeader: false,
    semiDarkSidebar: true,
  transition: {
    enable: true,
    loading: true,
    name: 'fade-slide',
    progress: true,
  widget: {
    fullscreen: true,
    globalSearch: true,
    languageToggle: true,
    lockScreen: true,
    notification: true,
    sidebarToggle: true,
    themeToggle: true,
View the default configuration type of the framework
interface AppPreferences {
  /** Permission mode */
  accessMode: AccessModeType;
  /** Layout of the login/registration page */
  authPageLayout: AuthPageLayoutType;
  /** Interval for checking updates */
  checkUpdatesInterval: number;
  /** Whether to enable gray mode */
  colorGrayMode: boolean;
  /** Whether to enable color weakness mode */
  colorWeakMode: boolean;
  /** Whether to enable compact mode */
  compact: boolean;
  /** Whether to enable content compact mode */
  contentCompact: ContentCompactType;
  // /** Default application avatar */
  defaultAvatar: string;
  // /** Enable dynamic title */
  dynamicTitle: boolean;
  /** Whether to enable update checks */
  enableCheckUpdates: boolean;
  /** Whether to display preferences */
  enablePreferences: boolean;
   * @zh_CN Whether to enable refreshToken
  enableRefreshToken: boolean;
  /** Whether it's mobile */
  isMobile: boolean;
  /** Layout method */
  layout: LayoutType;
  /** Supported languages */
  locale: SupportedLanguagesType;
  /** Login expiration mode */
  loginExpiredMode: LoginExpiredModeType;
  /** Application name */
  name: string;
  /** Position of the preferences button */
  preferencesButtonPosition: PreferencesButtonPositionType;
   * @zh_CN Whether to enable watermark
  watermark: boolean;
interface BreadcrumbPreferences {
  /** Whether breadcrumbs are enabled */
  enable: boolean;
  /** Whether to hide breadcrumbs when there is only one */
  hideOnlyOne: boolean;
  /** Whether the home icon in breadcrumbs is visible */
  showHome: boolean;
  /** Whether the icon in breadcrumbs is visible */
  showIcon: boolean;
  /** Breadcrumb style */
  styleType: BreadcrumbStyleType;

interface CopyrightPreferences {
  /** Copyright company name */
  companyName: string;
  /** Link to the copyright company's site */
  companySiteLink: string;
  /** Copyright date */
  date: string;
  /** Whether copyright is visible */
  enable: boolean;
  /** ICP number */
  icp: string;
  /** Link to the ICP */
  icpLink: string;

interface FooterPreferences {
  /** Whether the footer is visible */
  enable: boolean;
  /** Whether the footer is fixed */
  fixed: boolean;

interface HeaderPreferences {
  /** Whether the header is enabled */
  enable: boolean;
  /** Whether the header is hidden, css-hidden */
  hidden: boolean;
  /** Header display mode */
  mode: LayoutHeaderModeType;

interface LogoPreferences {
  /** Whether the logo is visible */
  enable: boolean;
  /** Logo URL */
  source: string;

interface NavigationPreferences {
  /** Navigation menu accordion mode */
  accordion: boolean;
  /** Whether the navigation menu is split, only effective in layout=mixed-nav */
  split: boolean;
  /** Navigation menu style */
  styleType: NavigationStyleType;
interface SidebarPreferences {
  /** Whether the sidebar is collapsed */
  collapsed: boolean;
  /** Whether to show title when sidebar is collapsed */
  collapsedShowTitle: boolean;
  /** Whether the sidebar is visible */
  enable: boolean;
  /** Menu auto-expand state */
  expandOnHover: boolean;
  /** Whether the sidebar extension area is collapsed */
  extraCollapse: boolean;
  /** Whether the sidebar is hidden - css */
  hidden: boolean;
  /** Sidebar width */
  width: number;

interface ShortcutKeyPreferences {
  /** Whether shortcut keys are enabled globally */
  enable: boolean;
  /** Whether the global lock screen shortcut is enabled */
  globalLockScreen: boolean;
  /** Whether the global logout shortcut is enabled */
  globalLogout: boolean;
  /** Whether the global preferences shortcut is enabled */
  globalPreferences: boolean;
  /** Whether the global search shortcut is enabled */
  globalSearch: boolean;

interface TabbarPreferences {
  /** Whether dragging of multiple tabs is enabled */
  dragable: boolean;
  /** Whether multiple tabs are enabled */
  enable: boolean;
  /** Tab height */
  height: number;
  /** Whether tab caching is enabled */
  keepAlive: boolean;
  /** Whether tabs are persistent */
  persist: boolean;
  /** Whether icons in multiple tabs are enabled */
  showIcon: boolean;
  /** Whether to show the maximize button */
  showMaximize: boolean;
  /** Whether to show the more button */
  showMore: boolean;
  /** Whether to show the refresh button */
  showRefresh: boolean;
  /** Tab style */
  styleType: TabsStyleType;
interface ThemePreferences {
  /** Built-in theme name */
  builtinType: BuiltinThemeType;
  /** Destructive color */
  colorDestructive: string;
  /** Primary color */
  colorPrimary: string;
  /** Success color */
  colorSuccess: string;
  /** Warning color */
  colorWarning: string;
  /** Current theme */
  mode: ThemeModeType;
  /** Radius */
  radius: string;
  /** Whether to enable semi-dark header (only effective when theme='light') */
  semiDarkHeader: boolean;
  /** Whether to enable semi-dark sidebar (only effective when theme='light') */
  semiDarkSidebar: boolean;

interface TransitionPreferences {
  /** Whether page transition animations are enabled */
  enable: boolean;
  // /** Whether page loading loading is enabled */
  loading: boolean;
  /** Page transition animation */
  name: PageTransitionType | string;
  /** Whether page loading progress animation is enabled */
  progress: boolean;

interface WidgetPreferences {
  /** Whether fullscreen widgets are enabled */
  fullscreen: boolean;
  /** Whether global search widget is enabled */
  globalSearch: boolean;
  /** Whether language switch widget is enabled */
  languageToggle: boolean;
  /** Whether lock screen functionality is enabled */
  lockScreen: boolean;
  /** Whether notification widget is displayed */
  notification: boolean;
  /** Whether sidebar show/hide widget is displayed */
  sidebarToggle: boolean;
  /** Whether theme switch widget is displayed */
  themeToggle: boolean;
interface Preferences {
  /** Global configuration */
  app: AppPreferences;
  /** Header configuration */
  breadcrumb: BreadcrumbPreferences;
  /** Copyright configuration */
  copyright: CopyrightPreferences;
  /** Footer configuration */
  footer: FooterPreferences;
  /** Breadcrumb configuration */
  header: HeaderPreferences;
  /** Logo configuration */
  logo: LogoPreferences;
  /** Navigation configuration */
  navigation: NavigationPreferences;
  /** Shortcut key configuration */
  shortcutKeys: ShortcutKeyPreferences;
  /** Sidebar configuration */
  sidebar: SidebarPreferences;
  /** Tab bar configuration */
  tabbar: TabbarPreferences;
  /** Theme configuration */
  theme: ThemePreferences;
  /** Animation configuration */
  transition: TransitionPreferences;
  /** Widget configuration */
  widget: WidgetPreferences;


  • The overridesPreferences method only needs to override a part of the configurations in the project. There's no need to override configurations that are not needed; they will automatically use the default settings.
  • Any configuration item can be overridden. You just need to override it within the overridesPreferences method. Do not modify the default configuration file.


The avatar of contributor named as vben vben
The avatar of contributor named as invalid w invalid w
The avatar of contributor named as Li Kui Li Kui


Released under the MIT License.