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Common Features

A collection of some commonly used features.

Login Authentication Expiry

When the interface returns a 401 status code, the framework will consider the login authentication to have expired. Upon login timeout, it will redirect to the login page or open a login popup. This can be configured in preferences.ts in the application directory:

Redirect to Login Page

Upon login timeout, it will redirect to the login page.

import { defineOverridesPreferences } from '@vben/preferences';

export const overridesPreferences = defineOverridesPreferences({
  // overrides
  app: {
    loginExpiredMode: 'page',

Open Login Popup

When login times out, a login popup will open.



import { defineOverridesPreferences } from '@vben/preferences';

export const overridesPreferences = defineOverridesPreferences({
  // overrides
  app: {
    loginExpiredMode: 'modal',

Dynamic Title

  • Default value: true

When enabled, the webpage title changes according to the route's title. You can enable or disable this in the preferences.ts file in your application directory.

export const overridesPreferences = defineOverridesPreferences({
  // overrides
  app: {
    dynamicTitle: true,

Page Watermark

  • Default value: false

When enabled, the webpage will display a watermark. You can enable or disable this in the preferences.ts file in your application directory.

export const overridesPreferences = defineOverridesPreferences({
  // overrides
  app: {
    watermark: true,

If you want to update the content of the watermark, you can do so. The parameters can be referred to watermark-js-plus:

import { useWatermark } from '@vben/hooks';

const { destroyWatermark, updateWatermark } = useWatermark();

await updateWatermark({
  // watermark content
  content: 'hello my watermark',



Released under the MIT License.